Meet your Squatch Adventure Guides

This is what happens when Squatches start getting real:

Squatches hide in trees
Kim 'Squatch

I am a, not so, recent graduate from the University of Idaho, with a degree in Biology. I have lived on the Palouse for about 9 years now, and still have not managed to see all there is to see. So, I've made it my mission to get out and explore. My companions are my fellow blogger, Audrey, and my two 'squatchhounds, Rascal and Hank. I enjoy camping, hiking, and investigating nature. My goal is to use this blog as an outlet to discover new places and passions, and maybe have a Sasquatch sighting of my own.

My obsession with Bigfoot began at a young age, with stories told to me by my mother, a Sasquatch observer. Her sighting occurred when she herself was a young child. She says that while playing in the yard one spring day, a giant "ape-like" man jumped over her fence, stood and stared at her for a second, and then ran and jumped over another fence. My mother's first response was to immediately run inside and lock the door, leaving her childhood friend behind. Now, many members of family believe this to be a hallucination, brought on by fever, but I have always believed her. Over the years, my fascination with Sasquatch has turned into some what of a personality trait and running joke among my friends and family. So, I decided to turn it into this blog and a reason to go out and explore the Inland Northwest.

Audrey 'Squatch

I am life-time learner, which is to say I just won't stop going to school; I'm a University of Idaho alum and rugged intellectual at Washington State University. That's not really why I'm on the Palouse though. I'm a native of the Inland Northwest which has given me certain personality quirks that are difficult to understand unless you spend some time here: like how much I enjoy fry sauce. My companions are fellow blogger, Kim, my two 'squatchhounds Zola and Gremlin and occasionally my (too small to be a 'squatch so she's probably more like a gnome)wife Jessica.  

I don't have a Sasquatch story like Kim. Her's is pretty good though. I just love to explore - I always have. I've never been attacked by a mythical creature of any kind. I'd kind of like to be attacked by a Pegasus. So I'm just going to wander around out in the wilderness and write about it until I get mauled by something exciting...maybe a Yeti...

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